My Station Weather Conditions

Observations are powered by a Personal Weather Station
75.0 °F
Partly Cloudy
Feels like: 82.4 °F
High Low
75.4 °F 75.0 °F
SE 143°
Speed Gust
4   5
Heat Index76.7 °F
Barometer29.977 inHg
Dew Point73.5 °F
Rain0.00 in  0.00 in/hr
Radiation0 W/m²
UV Index0.0
Sun & Moon

Last Quarter
60% visible
Miscellaneous Data
Current PM2.5 N/A
Soil Moisture % 29 cb
Rain Event N/A
Current UV 0.0
Current Radiation N/A
Week Rain ?'weekRain'?
Lightning Count N/A
Lightning Distance N/A
Extra Temps N/A,-15.3 °F,-4.4 °F,37.4 °F, N/A

Yesterday Data:

High 90.0 °F
Low 71.4 °F
Rain 0.00 in
High Gust 24 mph
Website News

Sorry for the downtime. After the Blizzardocalypse this Spring, my NUC that acted as a server went down hard. I am now hosting the site on Digital Ocean and am pushing data to it from an EcoWitt GW-1000 that can read my old WS-2902 Ambient System.

Forecast Interval (hours):
Weather Record Snapshots. View all weather records here.
High: 75.4 °F Low: 75.0 °F
Average Wind: 3 mph Highest Wind: 6 mph
Today's Rain: 0.00 in Highest Rate: 0.00 in/hr
High: 102.4 °F Low: 71.4 °F
Average Wind: 2 mph Highest Wind: 25 mph
Total Rain: 2.46 in Highest Rate: 0.94 in/hr
Recent Local Earthquake

22.4 miles WSW of Mentone, Texas
Magnitude 2
373.2 miles WNW
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